To these I shall add the Catalogue of the Manuscripts, which he left to the Honourable Society of Lincolns-Inn, with that part of his Will that concerns them.
Item, As a Testimony of my Honour and Respect to the Society of Lincolns-Inn, where I had the greatest part of my Education; I give and bequeath to that Honourable Society the several Manuscript Books, contained in a Schedule annexed to my Will: They are a Treasure most having and keeping, which I have been near Forty Years in gathering, with very great Industry and Expense: My desire is that they he kept safe, and all together, in remembrance of me; They were fit to be bound in Leather and Chained, and kept in Archives: I desire they may not he Rent out, or disposed of.. Only if I happen hereafter, to have any of my Posterity of that Society, that desires to Transcribe any Book, and give very good caution to restore it again in a prefixed time, such as the Benchers of that Society In Council shall approve of., then, and not otherwise, only one Book at one time may he lent out to them by the Society; so that there be no more but one Book of those Books abroad out of the Library at one time. They are a Treasure that are not fit for every Mans view; not is every Man capable of making use of them: Only I would have nothing of these Books Printed, but entirely preserved together, for the use of the Industrious Learned Members of that Society.
A Catalogue of the Books given by him to Lincolns-Inn according to the Schedule annexed to his Will:
Placita de tempre Regis Johannis, 1 Vol. stitcht.
Placita coram Rege E. 1. two Volumes.
Placita coram Rege E. 2. one Vol.
Placita coram Rege E. 3. three Vol.
Placita coram Rege R. 2. one Vol.
Placita coram Rege H. 4. H. 5. one Vol.
Placita de Banco, E. 1. ab anno 1. ad annum 2 1. one Vol.
Transcripts of many Pleas, coram Rege & de Banco E. 1. one Vol.
The Pleas in the Exchequer, stiled Communia, from 1 E.3. to 46 c. 3. five Vol. Close Rolls of King John, verbatim, of the most material things, one Vol.
The Principal matters in the Close and Patent-Rolls, of R3. Transcribed verbatim, from 9 H.3. to 56 H.3. five Vol. Velome marked K.L.
The Principal matters in the Close and Patent-Rolis, E. 1. with several Copies and Abstracts of Records, one Vol. marked F.
A long Book of Abstracts of Records, by me.
Close and Patent-Rolls, from 1 to 10 E.3. and other Records of the time of H.3. one Vol. marked W.
Close Rolls of 1 5 to E. 3. with other Records, one Vol. marked N.
Close Rolls from 17 to 38 E.3. two Vol.
Close and Patent-Rolls, from 40 E.3. to 50 E.3. one Vol. marked B.
Close Roll od E.2. with other Records, one Vol. R.
Close and Patent-Rolls, and Charter-Rolls, in the time of King John for the Clergy, one Vol.
A great Volume of Records of several natures, G.
The Leagues of the Kings of England, tempore E. 1. E.2. E. 3. one Vol.
The Reports of Iters, of Derby, Nottingham and Bedford, transcribed, one Vol.
Itenera Forest de Pickering & Lancaster, transept ex Originali, one Vol.
An ancient Reading, very large upon Charta de Foresta, and of the Forest-Laws.
The Transcipt of the Iter Foresta de Dean, 1 Vol.
Que Warrents and Liberties of the County of Glocestor, with the. Pleas of the Chace of Kingswood, one Vol.
Transcipts of the Black Book of the Admiralty, Laws of the Army, Impositions and several Honours, one Vol.
Records of Patents, Inquisitions, & c. of the County of Leicester, one Vol.
Muster and Military provisions of all sorts, extracted from the Records, one Vol.
Gervasius Tilburiensis, or the Black Book of the Exchequer, one Vol.
The Kings Title to the Pre-emption of Tin, a thin Vol.
Calender of the Records in the Tower, a small Vol.
A Miscellany of divers Records, Orders, and other things of various natures, marked E. 1 Vol.
Another of the like nature in Leather Cover, 1 Vol,
A Book of divers Records and Things relating to the Chancery, one Vol.
Titles of Honour and Pedigrees, especially touching Clifford, one Vol.
History of the Marches of Wales, Collected by me, 1 Vol.
Certain Collections touching Titles of Hencur, 1 Vol.
Copies of several Records touching Premisnire, 1 Vol.
Extract of Commission tempore, H.7. ILS. R. and the Proceedings in the Court Military, between Ray and Ramsey, 1 Vol.
Petitions in Parliament tempore, E. 1. E2. E. 3. EL4. 3 Vol.
Summons of the Parliament, from 49.R3. to 22. E.4. in 3 Vol.
The Parliament-Rolls, from the beginning of E. 1. to the End of R.3. in 1 9 Vols., viz. one of E. I., one of E.2. with the Ordinations, two of E.3., three of R.2., two of H.4., two of H.5., four of H.6., three of E.4., one of R.3., all Transcribed at large.
Mr. Elfing's Book, touching Proceedings in Parliament, 1 Vol.
Noy's Collections, touching the Kings Supplies, 1 Vol. stitch.
A Book of various Collections out of Records and Register of Canterbury, and Claymes at the Coronation of R-2. 1 Vol.
Transcipt of Bishop Usher's Notes, principally concerning, Chronology, three large Vols.
A Transcipt out of the Dooms-day-Book of Glocestershire and Herefordshire, and some Pipe-Rolls, and old Accompts of the Customs, 1 Vol.
Extracts and Collections out of Records, touching Titles of Honour, 1 Vol.
Extracts of Pleas, Patents, and Close Rolls, tempore H.3. E. 1. E.2. E.3., and some old Antiquities of England, 1 Vol.
Collections and Memorials of many Records and Antiquities, 1 Vol.
Seldeni. Calender of Charters and Records in the Tower, touching Glocestershire
Collection of Notes and Records of various natures, marked M. 1 Vol. Seldeni
Transcript of the Iters of London, Kent, Cornwall. 1 Vol.
Extracts out of the Leiger-Books of Battell, Eveshan, Winton, & c. 1 Vol. Seldeni.
Copies of the Principle Records in the Red-Book, in the Exchequer, 1 Vol.
Extracts of Records and Treaties, relating to Sea-affairs, 1 Vol.
Records touching Customs, Ports, Partition of the Lands of Oil. DeClare,&c.
Extract of Pleas in the time of R. 1. King John, E. 1, &c. 1 Vol.
Carte Antiqua in the Tower, Transcribed, in 2 Vol.
Chronological Remembrances, extricated out of the Notes of Bishop Usher, 1 Vol. stitched.
Inquisitionibus de Legibus Wallic, 1 Vol.
Collections, or Records, touching Knighthood.
Titles of Honour. Selendi, 1 Vol.
Mathematicks and Fortifications. 1 Vol.
Processus Curia Militaris, 1 Vol.
A Book of Honour. stitched. 1 Vol.
Extracts out of the Registry of Canterbury.
Copies of several Records, touching Proceedings in the Military-Court. 1 Vol.
Abstracts of Summons and Rolls of Parliament, out of the Book Dunhelm, and some Records Alphabetically digested. 1 Vol.
Abstracts of divers Records in the Office of first Fruits, 1 Vol. stitched.
Mathematical and Astrological Calculations, 1 Vol.
A Book of Divinity.
Two large Repositories of Records, marked A. and B.
[ All those above are in Folio. ]
The Proceedings of the Forests of Windsor, Dean and Essex, in Quarto. 1 Vol.
[ Those that follow, are most of them in Velome, or Parchment, ]
Two Books of old Statutes, one ending, FL7. the other, 2.H.S. with the Sums, 2 Vol.
Five Last Years, E. 2. 1 Vol.
Reports tempore, E.2. 1 Vol.
The year-Book of R.2. and some others, 1 Vol.
An old Chronicle, from the Creation, to E,3. 1 Vol.
Mathematical Book, especially of Optiques. 1 Vol.
A Dutch Book of Geometry, and Fortification.
Murti Benevenlani Geometrica 1 Vol.
Reports tempore E. 1. under Titles, 1 Vol.
An old Register and some Pleas, 1 Vol.
Bernardi Bratrack Peregrinitis, 1 Vol.
Iter Cantii and London, and some Reports, tempore E.2. 1 Vol.
Reports, tempore, E. 1. & E.2. 1 Vol.
Leiger-Book Abbatia De Bella.
Isidori opera.
Liber Altercations, & Christiana Philosophie, contra Pagonus.
Historia Petri Mandnearorii.
Homis Astronomica.
Historia Ecelesia Durelmensis.
Holandi Chymica.
De Alchmie Scriptoribus.
The Black-Book of the New-Law, Collected by me, and digested into Alphabetical Titles, Written with my own hand, which is the Original Copy.